Directing a new series, "7 LIVES" with Lucas Brinckmann as host. In this episode Lucas is introduced to the XAVANTE lifestyle

Blog , Portfolio | 351 | 12 | 28/01/2024

Directing a new series, "7 LIVES" with Lucas Brinckmann as host. In this episode Lucas is introduced to the XAVANTE lifestyle - 1
Directing a new series, "7 LIVES" with Lucas Brinckmann as host. In this episode Lucas is introduced to the XAVANTE lifestyle - 2
Directing a new series, "7 LIVES" with Lucas Brinckmann as host. In this episode Lucas is introduced to the XAVANTE lifestyle - 3
Directing a new series, "7 LIVES" with Lucas Brinckmann as host. In this episode Lucas is introduced to the XAVANTE lifestyle - 4
Directing a new series, "7 LIVES" with Lucas Brinckmann as host. In this episode Lucas is introduced to the XAVANTE lifestyle - 5
Directing a new series, "7 LIVES" with Lucas Brinckmann as host. In this episode Lucas is introduced to the XAVANTE lifestyle - 6

Gravando mais um belo episódio com @brinckmannlucas para nossa nova série “7 VIDAS”. Dessa vez uma intensa VIVÊNCIA XAVANTE na fantástica aldeia “Tritopa”.
Filming one more beautiful episode for our series, “7 LIVES” with @brinckmannlucas. Traveling across fascinating Brazil, living different “LIVES”. Thank you super team @lucasdepaulam obrigado pelo apoio e @merlinlocacao, @soubeef. @gugarod @danielparajet
@cervejapraya @kesterhaynes @dicotostes @calyxte_art @haroldo_p_lorena
@cleocampe @iaracampe @lukascampe


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