The challenging start of a new series. CanalOFF/GloboPlay

Blog | 456 | 13 | 04/10/2023

The challenging start of a new series. CanalOFF/GloboPlay - 1
The challenging start of a new series. CanalOFF/GloboPlay - 2
The challenging start of a new series. CanalOFF/GloboPlay - 3
The challenging start of a new series. CanalOFF/GloboPlay - 4
The challenging start of a new series. CanalOFF/GloboPlay - 5

Iniciando uma nova série, @canaloff @globoplay “BR-230, muito além da TRANSAMAZONICA”. O primeiríssimo voo. Só ganhando altura para se entender a geografia da península de Cabedelo, Paraíba onde inicia a BR-230, também conhecida como a TRANSAMAZONICA. You got to gain Hight in order to understand geography. Starting a new série for @canaloff @globoplay. My first flight taking off in the beautiful and bucolic city o Cabedelo, Brazil. Produced by thank you team @thiagotostes @ramoninrec @thiagosdsmota @diostenescarvalho @gugarod @prefeituradecabedelo @brilleoptik @lindbergeyewear @ozoneparamotors @parajet @danielparajetschool @cervejapraya @kesterhaynes @dicotostes @calyxte_art @haroldo_p_lorena
@cleocampe @iaracampe @lukascampe


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